
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Catching Up

     It's been a while since I've posted anything. I've lost my love for the blog and really don't have much desire to post things anymore, but a few people have been asking about it recently so it's time for an update.

     My structured training fell apart. I got in two very good base periods in January and early February. I spent a lot of days suffering in the cold rain and snow. Then the weather got worse and I got busy with a change to my job. There were a few weeks where I rode less than 5 hours a week. Not exactly training for the Pro ranks, but there were some things I had to get done to keep the rest of my life going. My job change has put me in a better facility doing more sports-oriented training and dealing more with athletes which is what I really enjoy.

Took the new road bike out for a ride in the pelting ice and snow

Keith's cat sampling my post-ride chocolate milk

Off the bike training

My favorite mtn biking partner


My street after the last snow

Had myself a little fall in the melting snow

     After several rides on both of my new bikes, I can say that I absolutely love them! They are both awesome and now we know for sure that when I get dropped the problem is me and not the bike. I bought a set of Reynolds Attack carbon wheels for the road bike and trimmed it down to a scant 15.1 lbs.

   I did a lot of running over the winter. Keith and I both wanted to run the Cedars Frostbite Half Marathon in Lebanon, TN in February. I just wanted to do a long run, while Keith was using it as training for the Country Music Marathon in April. We did a lot of training runs and I was very comfortable with 10 miles by the time February came around. There was a big snow in the days proceeding the race, leaving icy roads for us the first 6 miles of the course. I slipped on some ice early on and strained my right glute. I was cramping badly at mile 3 and struggled the rest of the day. Our goal had been to finish in under 2 hours. Keith made it in 1:52, while I missed out by a hair, finishing in 2:00:38. I was disappointed to get so close and not make it, but I think I did well just to finish considering I was injured nearly the entire race. I was 4th in the 20-24 age group.

Me (in orange) around the halfway point of the Cedars Frostbite Half Marathon

Used snow from my driveway to make an ice bath after the race. Way colder than ice out of the freezer.

     My season was to start on the dirt and then transition over to the road for some big crits in the southeast. The weather kept me on the road for most of my training. I was only able to do a few prep rides at Chickasaw this year. It was again to be my target race of the Spring.

Chickasaw pre-ride in February

Road training with Keith

Keith Schaper at his finest

Sunset after a road ride from Keith's house

     My race prep for the year again came from the Snake Creek Gap TT Series in Dalton, GA. I had good runs this year. January was cold, but the course was dry and fast. I clocked one of my best ever times. February was muddy and slick, but I still shaved off some time, proving that my form was coming long as scheduled. I was on pace for my best time ever in March, in sloppy conditions, but a late race flat with 8 miles to go killed my time. The day was not full of bad luck, as I did manage to finally conquer the infamous "Wall" near the finish. I've been trying to ride that thing for years and it felt good to finally make it! I took 3rd in the series despite the slow time after the flat in March.

Adam after the March race at Snake

Me covered in mud after the March Snake race

     More to come on how my season has gone thus far...

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