
Friday, December 9, 2011

Consolation Prize

     Lock 4 Park in Gallatin, TN hosted the third and final race of the 2011 Cross the Way Cyclocross Series. Last year's event on the Lock 4 peninsula proved to be a tough course that caused big seperations during the races. The pressure was on me to hold onto my Singlespeed series lead and maybe try to move up into a podium position in the Pro/1/2 series. I still only have one gear for my singlespeed bike. The big 46x16 would be sure to pose quite a challenge on this course, meaning the series could go down to the wire.

     Shannon and I arrived at Lock 4 with plenty of time to get in a good warm-up. We were a little worried about getting there in time since we were coming from church, but it wasn't a problem at all. A quick lap of the course showed a twisty one on the peninsula. There were several short climbs in the grass and one long, gradual climb on the pavement that constituted the start and finish straightaways. The ground was mostly dry, but a few soft spots existed. There was one notable soft stretch up one of the harder climbs and also a slick, off-camber corner near the end of the lap. Neither were wet enough to be considered muddy.

     The wind was whipping the course tape as the CX 3  and Masters race got underway. It was good to watch those guys and see what tactics were working and which were not. And to also see where people were falling. You can learn a lot from watching the other races.

CX 3 leaders

Bad Thad

    I was ready for the Pro/1/2 race on my new bike setup. I modified my position quite a bit after the Murfreesboro race. I dropped my stem height and hood height, giving me a a lower position, which gets the small-framed Redline to feel more like my All City singlespeed. The seatpost height was raised after I noticed the post had slipped during the Murfreesboro race. I practiced the position before race day and felt comfortable with it.

     The start was quick. I was first off the line, but then got swarmed. I just couldn't seem to get going up the first hill. I dropped off the pavement in 5th place. Andy Reardon got the hole shot and strung it out up the first grassy stretch. I was already having difficulty hanging on. The leaders were much more powerful than me the opening lap. The front four got away from me about a minute into the race. I was giving it my all, but they were pulling away, mostly on the flat sections and coming off the corners. I seemed to be holding my own on the climbs.

Troy Tucker and Jeremy Chambers

Andy Reardon

     My legs started to come around toward the end of lap 2. I wasn't gaining on the front four, but I wasn't losing much either. I was really focusing on my form again at this race, both on the bike and with running over the barriers. I think I am still having to ride and run a little slower to do it correctly, but to me it's worth it if I can have it corrected by the start of next season. I hopped on the bike following the barriers on lap 3 and found myself sitting on a seat that was sideways. Great, my seatpost was loose again! I stopped and knocked it back straight, losing a spot in the process.

     Over the next two laps, the post gradually kept dropping. It really jacked up my position and made my lower back start to hurt. I tried to tough it out, but it kept getting worse and almost got to the point of spasming. I kept trying to stretch my back, but it only helped for a few seconds. With three laps to go, I stopped in the pits to change bikes. I really didn't want to turn that big gear any more than I had to before the Singlespeed race, but I couldn't have my back spasming either. I was way back in 6th with no hopes of catching anyone. Everybody behind me had dropped out of the race. So I just backed off and practiced cornering on the singlespeed. The position of the singlespeed was a life saver. My back stopped hurting within a lap.

    Andy rode away to the win. He and Troy Tucker lapped me before the finish. Jeremy Chambers led the Pro/1/2 series coming into Lock 4. He had been running 2nd in the race until a tire issue caused him to fall back to 4th. Andy's win was enough to put him on equal points with Jeremy. Andy's two wins in the series got him the tie breaker so he took the overall title.

     I was happy to be done with this race. The only positive that came out of this was that I now knew exactly how the singlespeed felt on this course..and how hard the climbs were going to be! I had to walk one of them during the Pro race because I couldn't turn the big gear. My competition for the Singlespeed series was Mike Edens, and I knew he would have an easier gear so the pressure would be on for sure.

     We lined up for the Singlespeed race with a good-sized class. There were just 10 points seperating Mike and I in the overall. With 5 points between each positon, I had to finish within one spot of Mike. Two spots would mean a tie and he would win the tie breaker by beating me at the final race and by winning the Murfreesboro race. I really didn't think I could win with my bike, so I had to be sure that I kept track of Mike and stayed with him to the end. My goal was to get a good start and then hang on. I've gotten behind early in both of the races thus far and it's been a hole I couldn't dig myself out of.

     I got a good jump on the uphill start. It was strain but I got the big gear going. I got blocked into 3rd for a second, but then a gap appeared and I was able to squeeze through at the top of the climb. Mike shot by on the right and it was a drag race between he and I to the first turn. I wanted to lead so bad and set the tempo early. He backed off first as we hit the grassy turn. I had the lead heading toward the barriers for the first time! The plan was going good so far. My adrenaline was raging as it was sure going to be a great race for the series title.

     I kept the pace high and quickly cut it down to three of us up front. It was me, Mike and Travis Book. Travis finished 3rd in the Pro/1/2 race earlier. Travis was patient behind me even though he had a much better gear for the climbs. He sat back and watched me struggle the first lap. He passed me in the last section and I let him go. Tactically, it was good for me to let him go because if he won, he couldn't finish between Mike and I. As bad as I wanted to win the race, I knew I had to race smart if I wanted to get the series title.

     I took it easy up the road, letting Travis get a good gap. To my surprise, Mike was willing to sit on me. He seemed more concerned with me than getting Travis between us. Mike came past me just before the barriers on lap 2. I was quick to hop on his wheel. I knew I'd need to hang on his wheel if he was to cross the gap to Travis. But  we didn't close the gap at all that lap. Several times I wanted to go around him, but I was afraid of pulling him up to Travis and getting myself into a mess. I was also having to watch my back as Thad was lurking a few seconds back in 4th. He had the potential to be a spoiler as well.

Me leading Travis Book on the first lap of the Singlespeed race

Travis Book leads the Singlespeed race at the end of lap 1

Thad chasing hard in 4th

Dan Hensley had a good ride today

Nate Newton

     When we started lap 3 and I saw that Travis was still pulling away, I felt it was safe to go around Mike. I upped the pace, trying to open a little gap on Mike and get away from Thad at the same time. I ran a group of logs while Mike rode them. Turns out running was faster and I got the gap I had been looking for. Once I pulled off, it was time to go after Travis and try to win this race! I gave it all I had, but couldn't run him down. The legs were getting tired and the snap I needed to catch him just wasn't there. I took 2nd place, but won the overall. My goal for the series was the Pro/1/2 class, but I will gladly take the Singlespeed title. It feels kind of like a consolation prize for all the crap I had to deal with in the Pro/1/2 races.


     It turned out to be a good day despite the early race troubles. I was happy to have demonstrated some better form running over the barriers. My glutes are definitely being used more in my pedaling. I was sore after the race and on Monday! That's a good sign that my glute training is working. I just can't get over how good I felt in the Singlespeed race compared to the Pro race. It was like night and day.

     The day was also a good chance to brush up on my Lock 4 peninsula knowledge. That'll come in handy Dec. 18 at the Tennessee State Championship Cyclocross. Thanks to Shannon for the great pics and the video posted below!

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