
Saturday, July 23, 2011

XTERRA Lock 4 Blast Report

     After last year's fun and success racing the XTERRA off-road triathlon at Lock 4, I decided that I would do it again this year. The race in Gallatin, TN came a month earlier this year, giving me less preparation time. I started my swim and run training just 5 weeks before the race. Not exeactly a great plan, but I am limited on my pool resources and the bike wins over running any day when I have limited training time. I still felt my form was as good as last year, even with less preparation. The goal this year was the same as last: have fun and finish. I knew that if I put out the effort I would do well so there was no need in worrying about positions.

     It was a cloudy morning with storms dotting the radar. I checked the forecast just before leaving the house and saw a nice thunderstorm rolling right toward the race venue. It seemed it would arrive just after the start. I was worried about them stopping the race during the bike segment if there was a lot of lightning. With the chance of a shortened race, I knew I had to do a good swim or I would finish way, way back. I needed both of the bike laps to even get myself into contention. The storm front began to arrive just as we lined up in the water. There were some very mean-looking clouds and the wind really picked up, but the rain and lightning had not yet arrived.

The storm moves in over the lake

Swimmers ready for the start

     The swim was 880 yards (1/2 mile) in a triangular shape in the shallow Old Hickory Lake. The start was very fast, much faster than I expected. I had a hard time getting into a rhythm and was really hurting with my breathing the first half of the swim. It took me a good 500 yard to get settled into my pace and even then I was not using the form I had worked on the past few weeks. I swam with sloppy form and wasted a lot of energy. I did however, manage to hang onto the back of the main pack. There were a few guys ahead at the exit of the swim, then came a huge group and I held onto the back of that, being the last one to reach the shore. There was a good minute gap behind me to the next group of swimmers. The last few hundred yards of the swim were tough due to a headwind. I never thought the wind would effect swimming so much, but it actually caused current and made the return trip much more difficult. It was also frustrating to see people cutting inside the last buoy that we were supposed to go around. It cut off at least 30 seconds, maybe more. Nearly all of the first 15 swimmers cut it, as well as several from farther back. My swim time was about 40 seconds slower than last year. I was happy with that considering the current and the way I couldn't get into a rhythm.

And they're off!

One swimmer was pulled from the water very early

The only Pro in attendance, Craig Evans, was first out of the water

Me coming out of the water

     I had a decent transition. The swimming made me a bit dizzy and made putting on socks difficult. I thought I was going to fall over and knock all the bikes down like dominoes! I took the extra time to put on socks because I would rather have comfortable feet than save 10 seconds. When your feet hurt it changes the way the rest of your body feels, especially in the run portion. I was around 40th place exiting the water, but I gained a few spots in transition and then went into my element where I knew I could really eat up some time and positions. The trail was slick from rain the previous day, but it was still fast. I don't think Lock 4 ever really slows down much if you have the guts to push it. The rain was still holding off, but loud thunder could be heard as I navigated the singletrack.

Starting the bike section along the peninsula

Casey Fannin rides in 2nd place overall near the end of lap 1

Evans leads on the first lap of the bike portion of the race

Me nearing the end of lap 1 on the bike

     The bike portion was two laps of a 6-mile course. It was basically the first (east) side of the trails at Lock 4. I didn't have the noodly arms on the bike like I did last year. The swim did not seem to effect my bike performance as much this year and I was able to move myself to 4th overall after just one lap. I was feeling good and plugging away. The hardtail was awesome on the course, eating up the climbs and helping me rail the corners. I was hoping the rain would begin soon to help me gain even more time on the bike.

Fannin holding onto 2nd overall early in lap 2

Matt Robbins held 3rd overall at the start of lap 2

I was up to 4th here on the jeep road climb, just over 1:10 behind 3rd

Me coming up the hill out of the Sinkhole Trail on lap 2

I pushed very hard on the bike

     Then the rain came. And it came hard. I was maybe 2 miles into my second lap when it hit and it poured the rest of the bike segment. There was several inches of water standing in the trail in most places. I was loving it because despite the way the trail looked, traction was still good and there was really no need to back off in most of the sections. I made up good time, moving into 2nd place with 2 miles still to ride. The clouds really made it seem like a night ride through a few sections as it was super dark.

A few riders on a now muddy bike course

It got really dark in the woods...

...then it got muddy.

     I came off the bike in 2nd. My bike time was slower than last year due to the mud, but I only dropped a minute to Craig Evans, who was out front. And that time included both transitions where I know he was much faster since he does this all the time and is a Pro after all. Not to mention the amount of traffic I went through that first lap. Last year he passed me with .5 mile to go in my first run lap. I was determined to not get lapped this year. I also wanted to hang on to a top 3 overall as that is the overall podium and the money positions.

     The rain was still coming down as I began the run. The course was two 2.1-mile loops on the west side of the park. It's a challenging run with several short hills and some really steep rollers. The run opens with a big pavement climb that really hurt me. I found my rhythm though and sloshed through the first lap. The rain stopped as I exited the woods for the first time. Two guys were on me as I ended lap 1. They passed by me while we were still on the peninsula, dropping me to 4th. I tried to hang with them, but they were too fast. Evans and I passed at the same spot as last year, only this time I was going out on my second lap instead of ending my first.

Me running up the paved climb on lap 1

Going into the woods on lap 1 of the run

Scott McConnell coming to the end of the bike segment

McConnell goes out for his first lap of the run course

Me starting lap 2 of the run

Morgan Marable on his first run lap

     I had a good second lap and held 4th place to the finish. I was pleased to have no cramps and finish strong. My run time was 4:35 faster than last year, even with all the mud. I took 4th overall and won the 25-29 age group. It was a great time and I can't wait to do another one! Results are posted here if you want to check them out.

The sprint for 2nd overall between Robbins and Fannin

Scott finishing his first run lap

Me coming up the hill to the finish

The Men 25-29 podium. Too bad only two of us showed up for the awards. For the first time this season I stood on the top step of the podium.

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