
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back In Business

     The struggle with insurance is over and we have recovered from the break in. We got all the important stuff replaced. I was disappointed with how much we got from insurance. They replaced our electronics, but they gave us nothing for her grandmother's ring. Word of advice: if you ever have an item stolen that was passed down through the family, don't say it's a family antique. Insurance won't reimburse for antiques because they are considered "irreplaceable." Report it as a gift and they are more likely to pay. Something to think about if you ever get into a situation like the one we just went through.

     Shannon snapped some pics at the first Snake Creek Gap TT last month. They've been sitting on my camera for a while waiting for a laptop to be loaded onto. They're ready to be viewed now so here you go!

Mean Joe takes off 

Me beginning my race in my new Maxxis gear

Riders lined up for the start of the 17-mile route

Mean Joe climbing Mill Creek Gap

Adam comes in with a smoking fast 3:14 on his Moots singlespeed machine

     More updates on riding and fun coming soon...

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