
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Temple Square and XTERRA USA Champs Pre-Ride

     Day 2 in Utah brought a trip to downtown Salt Lake City to take in some of the sights, mainly Temple Square. With Shannon and I being LDS members there were plenty of exciting things for us to see at the Square. There were some questionable parking meters that had been recently installed. We parked in a group of three parking spaces that had just two numbers posted on the sign around them. The sign was also placed in a weird spot behind the car so we weren't sure what spot number we actually were parked in. We did a quick game of eenie-meenie-miney-mo and picked one before paying and then heading across the street to see some of the church buildings.

Salt Lake Temple

     Our first stop was at one of the churches most precious landmarks, the legendary Salt Lake Temple. It was the coolest building I have ever seen. Actually, every building in Temple Square is amazing, but the temple tops the cake for sure. Just as impressive as the buildings is the beautiful landscaping that abounds throughout the downtown area. there was some sort of garden everywhere you looked.

Shannon in a garden around the temple

Looking at the temple from a garden

     We were stalked by two sister missionaries who had noticed Shannon's "I Survived Warrior Dash" T-shirt. They wanted to ask us about the race. We got to talking to them and next thing you know we are getting a full-fledged tour of the Square by missionaries. It was a very good experience as they shared stories about how the early pioneers built the church buildings and how much time they put into every little detail. For instance, the only wood available to the settlers at that time was pine, but they wanted the church pews in the Assembly Hall to look like oak. So, each pew was hand-painted to looked like oak. Every grain and line in the wood was painstakingly added to the top of the pine wood. Pine columns were also painted to look like marble. It was pretty awesome to see how they offered their best efforts to make the Assembly Hall as best as they could to welcome in the spirit of the Lord.

Front of Assembly Hall

Inside Assembly Hall with the oak-painted pine pews

Shannon loved the detailed flowers etched on the ceiling

Side view of Assembly Hall

     We toured the two visitors' centers after Assembly Hall before heading back to the car to add some time to our meter so we could go tour the massive Conference Center. Before we even got to the car, I could see something sticking out from under the windshield wiper. Sure enough, we had a parking ticket. Turns out we picked the wrong spot number. But that wasn't our only problem. We also entered the spot number wrong on the digital meter, making us look even more guilty of not paying for our spot!

A sample cart that was used to drag the heavy stones into the Salt Lake Valley for the building of the temple and Assembly Hall. That was hard, hard work.

A cutaway display of the inside of the Salt Lake Temple

The display had every room detailed

Behind the cutaway was a great view of the real temple

A model of Jerusalem around the time of Christ

A very nice statue of the Lord in front of a painting of the stars and planets. This display took up an entire room.

Looking down the sidewalk toward the LDS Conference Center.

      After putting time on the right spot, we took a tour of the Conference Center. It is a really impressive structure. The plans called for a building that was taller than zoning restrictions allowed. The church didn't want to change the plans, so they dug a massive hole and built the building below ground in order to comply with the codes. We walked through pictures of the prophets and apostles, along with a tour of the auditorium which houses General Conference twice a year.

Conference Center

Inside the Conference Center

     Then we got to go onto the roof where there is a massive garden laid out. The garden represents the state of Utah. There's tall trees on the east side of the building to represent the mountains, then native grasses and flowers on the west to represent western Utah's' landscape. The soil they use for the plants is a mixture of real dirt and rubber in order to reduce the weight on the roof. I love hearing about how they plan out the small details for massive projects like the Conference Center building. It really is fascinating to see all the engineering it takes to make it possible and safe to hold conferences in.

Following Shannon and our tour guide through the trees on the east side of the garden

A fountain in the center of the garden

Flowers and grasses dominate the west side of the garden

View of the temple and downtown Salt Lake from the roof of the Conference Center

Shannon and I on the Conference Center roof with the Salt Lake Temple in the background

     After the Salt Lake tour, it was off to Ogden to pick up my registration packet for the XTERRA USA Championship that would be taking place the next day. We grabbed my packet, got my race numbers inked on my arms, attended the pre-race walk-through meeting and grabbed lunch at an Italian place before making the drive north through Ogden Canyon into the mountains for a pre-ride of the bike course.

Entering Ogden Canyon

Looking across the Pineview Reservoir toward the bright red hillsides covered with maple trees.

     We swung by the swim start area at Pineview Reservoir before parking at the Wheeler Canyon Trailhead. I had a flat front tire when I pulled my bike out of the car. I checked the tire and found a thorn. I was expecting that since I had seen quite a few thorns on my last few rides on the trail at home. I decided to go through the tire thoroughly before remounting. That was a good idea. I found three more thorns sticking in my tire, just waiting to ruin my race the next day. I went through the back tire too and found no thorns back there. That just goes to show you that you should give everything a good look-over before the race.

A stream running alongside the Wheeler Canyon Trail

The initial climb was a wide gravel road through the canyon

Climbing up the shady, but colorful Wheeler Canyon

     The pre-ride was awesome! I was stiff after all the driving and hiking so it felt good to loosen the legs. The trails were dry and dusty. The sights were beautiful. The trails took you up through sections of woods and cow pastures, while also providing epic views of the surrounding mountains, Ogden Canyon and the Pineview Reservoir. It was very helpful to pre-ride here as you quickly realize that the trail may not be technically challenging in most places, but it is definitely physically demanding. The finish is quite a bit higher in altitude and you must earn your way to the top. The climbing is never very steep, but it begins to wear on you as the grades seem to go on forever.

Flying by cow pastures on my way up the mountain

     I particularly liked the Sardine Peaks trail. It features many switchbacks, some sweeping, some tight. You  climb the north side of the mountains on this trail and reach the highest altitude on the course of 7300 ft. There is a nice overlook where you stand on a steep ledge looking down into Ogden Canyon with the Pineview Reservoir, where you begin the bike course, in the distance. To the south you can look down upon the finish area at the Snowbasin Resort.

A wooded section of Sardine Peaks

Overlooking the Pineview Reservoir near the top of the Sardine Peaks Trail

Looking into Ogden Canyon

It was a steep drop-off into the canyon from just below the overlook

Me sitting on the edge of the overlook with Ogden Canyon just behind me

     I enjoyed the sights for a while and then screamed down the descent. I was glad to see some rocks and tight turns along the way just to keep things interesting. The dust was deep on the descent and was sure to pose a problem on race day. Overall, I was pleased with the race course. I rarely like the layout of XC courses at mountain resorts, but this one was not as bad as I expected. It was almost entirely climbing, but it was still fun. I was actually excited for the race.

Highlights of my pre-ride from the GoPro chest cam

     Shannon picked me up at Snowbasin after I finished the course. We stopped for some ice cream at a small joint in Ogden Canyon before heading back to Gma's in West Jordan to get things ready for the next day's main event. A race report will be posted soon.

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