
Saturday, August 29, 2015


     The recovery continues and it has been a roller coaster of a ride lately. The knee was doing well, then I went through a bad stretch where it was swollen from mowing the grass and from trying to get back to sprint workouts. That set me back a few days until the swelling went away. Then I managed to catch a cold and lost a few more days. Rain stopped my return to crit. racing two weeks ago at the Music City Crits Series. The race was cancelled so I did not have a chance to gauge my legs and knee before the River Gorge Omnium in Chattanooga. I decided it was best to stay home with the recent swelling episodes and the cold. That wound up being a good decision as it rained for the Pro/1/2 crit. and there was plenty of carnage. It also rained for the road race on Sunday. Now I am up to 23 races missed this year due to injury.

     Just when I thought getting back to normal training was over, the swelling went away, the cold let up and my legs started to come around again. I've enjoyed some really fun rides lately, getting in some distance on the unusually cool mornings and evenings we have had lately. I got a new camera in preparation for our fall vacation so there are plenty of pics from recent rides. Back to the weather, it has been around 52-53 degrees in the mornings this week, which is unheard for a Tennessee August. I have ridden in arm warmers almost every day. The highs have not been that bad either, staying in the mid-80s most days. It's been a very mild summer. We have had some hot days, but nothing in the triple-digits this year. Our only problem now is how dry it is. It has not rained much at all over the past six weeks.

Been visiting the shady backroads

Ended this ride on the dock on a perfect day

Crazy sunset on a late ride

     The garden doesn't care too much for the drought, but I have had some fun on a dry trail at home. The trail is in great condition and I am really having fun mountain biking right now. The mountain bike puts me in a different position than the road bike, which has proven more bothersome to the knee. I'm trying to build up the tolerance to mountain biking before we go on vacation next month. I plan to do a lot of riding while we are gone so the knee better be ready! Thursday was my first day back on the mountain bike and I have been on the trail every day since, working on my dirt tan. After three days, the knee is already getting accustomed to the mountain bike. Today, I did the most laps on the trail that I have done in several years, and set a new PR for a single lap. It was a good day!

Riding my backyard trail

Cruising by the pond

Dirt tan

     I got back to racing this past Wednesday with the 11th race of the Music City Crits Series. It was a tough night. The pace was cranked up from the start and we stayed strung out the first 15 minutes, which blew up many riders. I struggled a little getting off the turns. My legs were lacking acceleration from seven weeks away from racing and I know I was not pushing the turns as hard as I was earlier in the season when I was really comfortable in crits. I got caught in the back early and really had to use up my legs just to make it to the main pack after those first 15 minutes. I was actually off the back twice because of people letting gaps open, but I was able to chase back on.

At the back of a very long line under a full moon

Turn 1 hairpin

     My goal was just to finish this first race back and I just managed to do that. A break of six or seven went off in those first 10 minutes and then the main group splintered the rest of the race. I got dropped from what was left of the main group with six laps to go, then somehow managed to get back on at four to go. There were 9-10 guys left in the group at that point. The big surges from Travis Werts would get me gapped, but I had the legs to sit at 27-28 mph until things calmed down and then I could catch back up. Travis was in full beast-mode at times this week and put in some really hard pulls for laps at a time. After I got back to the group, I even did some pulling myself in the closing laps.

     We got lapped by the lead break right at the finish line as we were getting the bell. I was on the back of the line and did my best to let the others know we were getting caught while trying to stay out of the way of Tanner Hurst as he came flying by to get the win. Technically, my race should have been over as we were joined by the leaders right before the line, but everyone kept going so I hammered another lap too. I'm not sure if it counted, but I went for it anyway just to get in a little more race time. I was off the back after moving to let Tanner through and was never able to get back to the group to sprint. I finished 20th, the last finisher tonight. We had 37 starters, so plenty of DNFs from the fast pace. Highlights of my race from the handlebar cam are posted below. The best part is before the start when we got the instructions from the official. His talk included, "You know, you'll race like hell then see six to go." It made us all laugh. The knee was sore after the race and slightly swollen, but nothing a few minutes with an ice pack didn't fix. I did wake up a few times in the night after the race with aching, but that was gone by morning.

It was a mess at the finish. That's Tanner Hurst on the far right next to the wall. He had to push his way through our group to stay ahead of the rest of the break.

Video highlights of the Pro/1/2/3 race from my handlebar cam

     There's one more Music City Crits race left next Wednesday, then it's off to St. Louis for the Gateway Cup. Then we have a vacation! Work has been a bear lately. I had started to really enjoy it again. But I've done too good of a job yet again and now everyone wants to take advantage of my willingness to work hard and do whatever needs to be done to get my patients better. I hate that this is happening again, but it sure will make me enjoy my vacation that much more!

Sunny days on the farm

New garden pest, the black swallowtail caterpillar. At least it looks cool. Don't touch though. They emit an awful smelling odor that won't wash off and will destroy your sinuses for hours.

Our view for dinner one night this week

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