
Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 2 at USGP

     The second day of racing saw a longer course and the hope of maybe making an extra lap before J-Pow and Ryan lapped me. I drew a starting spot farther back in the 50s, but still a great spot with 80 riders taking to the line. I learned a new lesson on the start. When you're marred back in a pack it's better to start in a bigger gear. I started in an easy gear to get a jump. Not the best plan. There's no getting a jump when you are behind 50 guys. As I tried to run through my gears and build up speed, I got smoked by all those already in a big gear. I was back in the 70s coming off the first turn. Thankfully, there were no crashes on the start today.

     The dust was bad, but not quite so bad as yesterday. The wind was roaring and blew the dust away as quick as it was kicked up. The first time over the barriers was still sketchy. I just guessed when I thought it was time to jump. I took a different approach today, trying to stay calm early and not go so damn hard the first lap. I sat at the back of the group comfortably, enjoying the tight 180-turns they added overnight.

photo by Marsha Williams

     All was well until the end of the first lap when we hit the steep climbs. I got caught behind a rider who dismounted on the last climb. I wasn't able to get around him and had to dismount myself. That's all it took for me to loose the group and I never got back on. After that, it was just catch and pass whoever fell off the group. I hurt my back a few weeks ago and my core is still a little weak. It showed when my core gave out on just the third lap. The sand runs and Green Monster tore my lower back up! I was definately not as strong as on Saturday and ended up battling with the same group of guys until we got pulled after 4 laps. I hate the new 80% Rule put in place by the UCI this year. If you aren't within 80% of the leaders time then you get pulled. We missed it by 3 seconds. That sure was a fat-ass entry fee to get pulled before you get lapped. But that's how it goes at the big races. All for the Pros and no help for the little guy. Once they get your money they just want you off the course to make it easier for scoring.

     The other races were fun to watch. Here's a few pics from the early races.

The Green Monster

Miles of SRAM tape lined the course.

The pain of cross was on display everywhere.

     Thanks again to all those who cheered for me. Even the guy who yelled. "Don't you wish you had gone to LBL?!!" That'll be a good line to paint on the wall and stare at while I sit on the trainer all winter. Kaylee did a super job in the pits again. I didn't have to use her in the race, but I'm sure she would've been just as good as the help all the factory teams had!

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