
Thursday, October 20, 2011

And You Just Don't Care

     Last week was a very tough week at work. I had to pull some overtime to fill in for the boss, who was out of town. Friday afternoon, I had a chance to ride home from work. I had brought the Trek 2.3 bike, two water bottles and a giant backpack. I always clean the clothes out of my locker on Friday, so I have to carry the backpack if I'm commuting by bike. I was prepared for the short, 21-mile route home.

     It was such a beautiful day that I couldn't help, but add a few miles. It was one of those spur-of-the-moment deals. I'm rolling out of the parking lot and just decide to go left instead of right. I went north into Kentucky, passing by the new Hemlock Semiconductor plant that is being built here in Clarksville.

The mighty Hemlock plant that is starting to look like its own city.

Flat farm roads cut through southern Kentucky

    At first, I planned to add one small loop to my route, but then I turned left again, going further up into Kentucky. I was just having so much fun that I didn't care how long it took me to get home. The roads were lined with flowers and the weather was just too perfect to pass up. I even found a little gravel to ride.


Yellow view


Gravel dust on the tires

A green swampy creek next to the road

     I just kept adding to my loop, figuring in backroads that I haven't been through in a while. I ended up riding over 50 miles that day. It was one of those days when you know you don't have enough water and you just don't care. You are hauling a huge, heavy backpack and you just don't care. You don't have any food and you just don't care. You started your ride home over an hour away from your house and yet, after an hour of riding, you are still heading in the direction away from home...and still, you just don't care. Nothing can stop you from enjoying a day of riding. Those are the best days.

Shady road along the Tennessee-Kentucky state line

Video: I saw a little dust devil form up in a field next to me and then cross the road. Caught the end of it on video.

I passed by the famous Bell Witch Cave on my way home

Yellow fields of soybeans were seen throughout the ride

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