
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


     The week following the NashVegas Half Ironman, I began to commute to work. My old house was about 27 miles from work. I live much closer now, but ride distance is still 21 miles the shortest way. My drive in is only 12 miles, but it's on the interstate. To ride the bike I have to go the long way, cruising by Port Royal State Park and into the industrial park side of Clarksville. There's little traffic going that way which is great. It is a tough ride though, with many steep hills. I'm guaranteed to get in a good workout. It makes it hard to get in a recovery ride, so most of my easy days I have been carpooling with Shannon to work and then riding the bike home.

Lots of birds in the industrial park

A cloudy sunset as I leave work

A colorful sunset on my way home

Nothing but the beam of my headlight piercing the darkness on this night commute

     Riding to and from work is great. You eliminate the drive time that wastes away ride time. I love starting my day out with a ride. It makes the whole day go by faster and smoother. Watching dawn from the bike is great too. I got caught in the rain one morning. It seemed miserable for a few minutes, but then the clouds broke right as the sun popped over the horizon and I was treated to the brightest orange sunrise I have ever seen, followed shortly by an orange rainbow. I got a picture of the rainbow, but was too slow to catch the whole thing. It faded out after only a few seconds.

Bright orange sunrise from the bike

A fading morning rainbow

One of my favorite roads on the long route home features a tunnel under the railroad tracks. I timed it right today, going through the tunnel as a train come by overhead.

Drafting a tobacco wagon on my way home one evening

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