
Friday, December 30, 2011

A Christmas Owl

     Each year, STAR Physical Therapy throws all the employees a big Christmas party in Franklin. We dine and watch a presentation, play games, take pictures and then dance. Well, some people dance. You won't see me out there. If I'm cutting a rug, it will be because we are replacing our carpet.

Our serious picture

And the stupid one...

    The presentation is usually full of pictures of babies born to employees this year, military family members and newlyweds. There's always funny videos as well, usually created by the individual clinics. STAR has nearly 70 clinics, so you have a wide range of people working for the company. Some are very creative. We usually get some great videos submitted. My clinic decided to participate this year for the first time ever.

     My coworker Tavis and I love making fun of trends. For a while, planking and owling were big. We started taking pictures of us doing it on the equipment at work. It started out as a joke, but after a while we had a lot of pictures. We decided to just put them into a slideshow and make a video. We got it done just one day before the deadline for video submission.

Me and my goofy group of friends

     We were so excited at the party, waiting for our little moment to shine. Then the video was over. Turns out they decided not to put any clinic videos in the presentation this year. It was nearly a riot from our clinic. We were upset. Finally, we put something together and then they don't even use it!

    It may not have made it onto the big screen at the STAR Physical Therapy Christmas Party, but thanks to YouTube, you can see it on your laptop screen. Yes, we do not have anything better to do with our lunch hour than this...and yes we are retarded.

    Thanks Tavis, Pat, Britt, Shannon and Blake for helping out! The best part is that our boss still doesn't know that any of this ever happened!

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