
Friday, December 9, 2011

Running With a Red Nose

     One of the best events I did last year was the Rudolph's Red Nose Run 5K, a twilight run through downtown Nashville. I was excited to get to do it again this year. Shannon signed up for it as well, making it her second ever 5K. Keith and Misty were going to join us there. None of us have been running so it was sure to be an interesting event.

    The 5K starts at LP Field, crosses the Woodland Street Bridge over the Cumberland River for an out-and-back run down 2nd Avenue and Broadway before culminating with a lap around LP Field. The course is a tough one, featuring a climb right off the start followed by a long descent down 2nd Avenue. A right turn leads to a long climb up Broadway before you hit the turnaround. Then it's back down Broadway, climbing up 2nd Ave, descending back over the river bridge and finally a flat lap around LP Field.

Rudolph's Red Nose Run course through downtown Nashville

     There were 1384 participants this year. It's a huge crowd on the start line. There are tons of costumes. I saw everything from elves, reindeer and snowflakes, to bodysuit santas and The Mask, complete with yellow suit, green face paint and a bag of fake money. The course is lined with people as well. The race takes place just an hour before the annual Nashville Christmas Parade, so people are already staking out good places to watch.

     I had to work until 4pm, so we had to hurry to make it in time. We got there just in time to pick up our numbers and change. I got in maybe 5 minutes of warm-up before it was time to fight for a start spot. We actually got lined up in a decent spot, but had no idea where Keith and Misty were.

    The gun went off and the mad dash was under way. We were probably close to the top 100 rounding the first turn. I lost track of Shannon pretty quick as I began to weave my way through the crowd. There were some very slow people that started at the front. I was dangling off the back of the main group of fast runners as we topped the first hill and turn onto 2nd. On the descent, I made the junction to the group, but started to pop off again at the bottom of the hill on Broadway. It was so loud! Spectators were cheering, people were running all over the street and marching bands were playing in the distance as they prepared for the parade. It was like a race, a college football game and a riot all in one!

    The leader was coming back down the hill and we passed each other right in front of the Bridgestone Arena. That's one block farther into the race than I was last year when the leader passed by. The group slowed just before the turnaround and I got back on. But the pace was too fast down the hill on Broadway and I lost touch with the pack again. Even with all the people coming up the hill, I still managed to pick out Keith and Shannon going the other way.

     I dangled all the way up the climb on 2nd Avenue. There was a guy at the top of the 2nd Ave climb protesting Santa Claus. People will protest anything nowadays. He had a megaphone and was shouting "Tell your kids the truth! Santa is a lie!" I wanted to run over onto the sidewalk and punch him.

     I kept pushing it hard as we started the lap around LP Field. I was expecting to fade badly since I haven't been running lately, but I really came on in the last mile. I caught all the stragglers that fell off the main group. I finished off with a hard sprint. A guy passed me about two steps from the line which really irritated me because I was sprinting as hard as I could. I clocked a 21:39, good enough for 62nd overall and 4th in the 25-29 class. That's a 6:51 avg mile as the course came out a little long at 3.16 miles long. That was 1:18 faster than my time from last year.

Shannon coming in towards the finish

     Shannon had a great run too, bettering her personal best. She finished in 33:37. That gave her 43rd in her class and 572nd overall. She had a lot of fun and was amazed by how many people were out there. Keith finished 11th in his class with a time of 24:48. Misty's time was in the 34-minute range.

    We hung out afterwards, taking in the parade. Keith was very entertained by some of the other people that were enjoying the parade. There were a few crazies out there. We were all grateful for warmer weather this year. It was in the mid-40s for most of the night, making standing on a bridge watching decorated trucks drive by a little more enjoyable.


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