
Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Stats

     Another year has come and gone, so it's time for some race stats for the year. Below you will see my totals for the year as far as disciplines and results. My racing began January 7 at Snake Creek Gap in Dalton, GA and wrapped up on December 7 with Rudolph's Red Nose Run in Nashville. I did 42 races this time around, down from 56 last year. It was a fairly good year, even though I had one DNF, which really irritates me. Stinking stomach bug...

Total Races: 42

     XCs - 7
     Short Track XCs - 1
     Super Ds - 1
     Road Races - 1
     Criteriums - 17
     Time Trials - 0
     Cyclocross Races - 7
     Road Triathlons - 1
     Off-Road Triathlons - 4
     Endurance Events - 1
     Running Races - 2

     Wins - 3
     Top 3s - 6
     Top 5s - 15
     Top 10s - 21
     DNFs - 1

Full 2012 Results List

     Thanks to my GPS dying I do not have a total on the number of miles ridden and ran for this year. I'm looking at a similar schedule for next year, probably around 35-40 races. I want to change two numbers. One is listed here and that is DNFs. That needs to be back to 0. And also I want to change the number of crit. races I was in where I watched the finish from behind the barriers. Getting pulled is not cool, especially when it happened 8 times this year. I'm working hard to make sure it doesn't happen again.

    My three highlight wins came at XTERRA Lock 4 Blast, Dirt, Guts & Donuts, and Race to the Canal. The last two came in the same weekend. The Canal doesn't really hold much to me because I was the only Pro. I won by default. The only other race results I am really pleased with are the 2nd at XTERRA Scales Lake and the 5th in the CX 1/2 event at the Keep Calm and Race Cross race. The result may have been disappointing, but one other highlight of the year was the XTERRA USA Championship in Utah. It's not an easy race to qualify for or get to so I am grateful to have been able to compete in it this year. It's not every day that you get to do a National Championship event.

    I want to thank everyone who helped me out over the past year. Shannon gets the most thanks for riding around for countless miles in the car traveling all over the place to races and pacing me in training. And for simply putting up with my riding/running habit which eats up a lot of our time and money. I definitely have to thank my sponsors for the year, Maxxis and First Endurance. They are the only companies willing to help me out and I greatly appreciate that as we struggle to scrape up the funds to compete on the elite level. It's an expensive sport and we have to foot all of our bill on our own, so it's nice to have my tires taken care of and a deep discount on the best nutrition available to endurance athletes. I am excited to be racing for both of them again in 2013.

    Another cool stat I thought I would share is about traveling and how many states we visited.

States raced in - 9

States visited through traveling - 13

Races per state:
     Alabama - 1
     Georgia - 8
     Indiana - 2
     Kentucky - 1
     Missouri - 7
     North Carolina - 3
     South Carolina - 2
     Tennessee - 17
     Utah - 1

     Here's a summary of the year through photos.

Winter training with Shannon

Training on Butterfly Gap in the Smokies in February

Shannon's first mountain climb was this year up the Foothills Parkway

One of the coldest rides of my life came this February on the Cherohala Skyway

Started my 2012 racing with three punishing races at Snake Creek Gap

Training in the mountains of North Georgia

First crit. of the year was in Dalton, GA

Working on early-season speed on the backyard trail

Hell of the South was my first race with the GoPro

A small fox on a road ride with Keith

Did lots of filming this year

Athens Twilight Amateur Finals

Dodging crashes at Spartanburg

I experienced way too many race finishes like this in 2012

Racing in the dark in St. Louis for the Loop de Loop Grand Prix

Ft. Wayne Twilight was a highlight because Shannon's family got to attend.

Meg wins the award for best artwork of the year.

Swim training for triathlon in my parents' tiny pool

Playing on the backyard trail

Learning to wakeboard

We were blackberry-pickin' fools this summer

Sprinting with Mike Edens at the end of XTERRA Lock 4 Blast

Running through transition at the Music City Triathlon with a hole in my foot

Plenty of camping this year to enjoy being outside and to save on costs.

One of my all-time favorite events, the Fontana Dam Jam Super D

2012 saw the return of the hula girl costume for the Fontana Dam Jam Short Track

It was a late-summer filled with motorpacing behind the car and shooting video with the GoPro

Shannon and I riding together. She is the best riding partner ever.  :)

Lots of sunsets seen by bike this year, including this cool one when Hurricane Isaac approached

Getting creative with eating on the road

Several trips to STL this year

Way too many races in the rain...

The best 4-day race around, the Gateway Cup

My first trip to the mountains of Utah

Shannon and I in Utah enjoying the Fall colors

Finally got to see the SLC temple

Pre-riding the bike course for XTERRA USA

My first National Championship in triathlon gets underway

XTERRA USA Championship

One of my favorite sections at Park City

This is one of my favorite photos ever. This was one great ride in Park City.

Camping at Jordanelle State Park

The Deer Valley trails are some of the best I have ever ridden.

Another of my all-time favorite photos. Watching a storm pass through the Heber Valley from atop Bald Mountain.

Lots of map-reading while riding in Park City

Finally getting to ride real dirt jumps

First trip to the desert

Desert sunset

Canyonlands National Park

Arches National Park

Shannon and I riding the desert trails of Moab

2012 brought a ride on the famous Slickrock Trail in Moab

Fall was a time for night rides

Doing the South's most delicious mountain bike race


Mountain biking with my Mom and Shannon

We ended several mountain bike rides with campfires this year

The ever-evolving backyard trail

Super trail dog Snoop

Finally conquering the Hill of Doom consistently

Dodging Jeremy Nagoshiner's body became a regular occurance this cross season

Racing cross on a mountain bike in CX 1/2

My two trail companions

Still turning a huge gear in Singlespeed

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