
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

2015 Stats

     Time to throw out some numbers for 2015 and then close it out. I know it's March already, but better late than never. It was a very interesting year which saw me getting injured and returning from those injuries three times during the year. That's the first time I have had any sort of serious injury that took me off the bike since 2007. Even then, that was mild compared to all three of the injuries I had this year. Other than my three broken collarbones in 2004 and 2005, I don't think I've ever had any sort of injuries like these. I started off with a left gastroc injury that began in December, but took me off the bike January and February. I came back from that in March and was over it completely by May. Then came my crash and knee injury in July. I was back from that one in August. Then in October I hurt my right gastroc and that one lingered with me the remainder of the year. I hope I never have to write about another injury again!

     I raced 33 times in 2015, mostly on the road. I started 20 crits. My goal of no DNFs was a success. My other goal of not getting pulled in a crit. didn't happen, but it was better than in previous years. I got pulled only five times this year.

     I missed 35 races in 2015. That means I missed more races than not. Of those 35 missed races, 29 were due to injury, one due to illness and five from weather. I hate missing races due to weather, but sometimes it's just smarter to miss a race when doing it may destroy your bike. Especially when you are footing the bill.

Total Number of Races: 33

Race Breakdown
Criteriums - 20
Road Races - 2
Road Time Trials - 4
XCs - 3
Short Tracks - 0
MTB Time Trials - 0
Cyclocross - 4
Running Races - 0
Triathlons - 0

Races Missed: 35

     I did not get a win in 2015, but I did have several good races. The highlights for me were the 4th place at the Snowbird Ultra Hill Climb and taking 17th at a very fast Indy Crit. I also had great days at Race to the Canal, finishing 3rd, and at the Hyde Park Blast Criterium. I got pulled at Hyde Park, but I was running well in the front group before getting in two crashes, the second of which put me off the back. The most fun races of the year for me were Roswell, Sevier Park, Snowbird and Cross the Harpeth. I would say the best all-around event I did this year (considering fun level, race organization, competition level, number of spectators, race officiating, entry fees, etc.) was the Sevier Park Criterium in Nashville. I absolutely loved that race!

     For those of you out there who think Pros make a ton of money racing and get everything for free, I made a whole $75 in payout in 2015 and got nothing for free. No free parts. No entry fees paid. No free places to stay that weren't with a family member. It kind of feels good to know you earned every bit of what you got out of the year.

Finish Breakdown
Wins - 0
Top 3s - 1
Top 5s - 6
Top 10s - 13
DNFs - 0

     We may not have traveled as much as in years past with all the missed races, but we still found our way to eight states for racing and rode in at least nine. My home state of Tennessee made up most of the races with 18. That's mostly due to all the great series we now have in middle Tennessee like the Music City Crits Series and Bells Bend Time Trial Series.

States Raced In: 8
Tennessee - 18
Missouri - 4
Georgia - 3
Ohio - 3
Utah - 2
Alabama - 1
Indiana - 1
Kentucky - 1
(also rode in Wyoming)

     As far as overall riding goes, I logged 6679.7 miles in 2015, not counting whatever I rode indoors or warming up on the trainer (which was a lot of time in the winter during the first gastroc rehab). I totaled 575 hours and six minutes on the bike (total time does count trainer rides). I spent over 31 hours racing, totaling 629.1 miles. My average speed for all my races combined (road, MTB and cyclocross) was 20.1 mph. That's fairly fast considering how slow mountain biking and cyclocross can be. If you only consider my crits, I put in 406.4 miles making circles with an average speed of 26.4 mph. I guess those days of averaging 23-24 mph are long gone.

Total Ride Mileage: 6679.7 miles
Total Ride Time: 575:06

Total Race Mileage: 629.1 miles
Total Race Time: 31:15
Total Race Average Speed: 20.1 mph

Race Mileage/Time Breakdown
Road - 530.1 miles (22:02)
MTB - 62.8 miles (6:01)
Cyclocross - 36.2 miles (3:12)

     I want to end by thanking everyone that helped me in 2015. First off, my biggest supporter is my wife. She helps me more than I will ever know. She helps me with finding training time, eating right and follows me all over the place looking for a race. I would never be where I am without all that she does for me. She sacrifices a lot so I can ride my bike. Also, I want to thank my two sponsors for the year, Maxxis and First Endurance. Both companies have backed me for several years now and I appreciate the support they have given me. They've been there through the good years and the bad years. I truly do love using Maxxis tires and First Endurance products. I would probably still use them both even if I lost all of my sponsorship. Finally, I'd like to thank everyone that reads the blog. Most of the feedback I get on the blog is positive and I appreciate the kind words and encouragement. Hopefully I have motivated you at some point over the past year to do something you love as much as I love riding bikes.

     Now, let's tear it up in 2016.

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